I see it downloading but it doesn't show where its downloading to on my computer. And it doesn't show anywhere that it was DL????
What gives ????
I see it downloading but it doesn't show where its downloading to on my computer. And it doesn't show anywhere that it was DL????
What gives ????
Please look in Program Files (x86) under Applian Technologies. It installed there. Then make a shortcut if you wish.
Just check under Program Files then.
I am having the same issue with version 3 of FLV Player.
After requesting the download, I see a retangular box showing the download progress (X MB of 17.8 MB download - I am just dowloading FLV, not the additional offerings) and when the download is complete a type of DOS windows opens and closes in less than a second, so that I do not see any content or title.
Going to Windows Program Files or registry or looking for any entry in driver C (where Windows and applications are usually installed) I see no trace of Applian or FLV player.
I have tried to install FLV Player for 4 times and the behavior is always the same. One of these times I found a folder whose name was crashdump and a word I no longer remmember, that seems to be associated with FLV player (something like crashdumpflv or similar).
Operating System: Windows 7 SP1 (+ a bunch of updates) Home Premium.
Any suggestion on how to overcome this issue?
Jose Pinho
Jose-please contact tech support on this issue. Thanks.
I finally found an .exe file that installs FLV Player. Its name is applianflv.exe.
Besides the bundled softwares tht once more I have declined to install, it comes with an installer, InstallIQ.
This has solved the problem.
Software is now "up and running".
Jose Pinho