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Thread: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

  1. #21
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I had the same issue and found a new version of the SiriusXM Tuner. Use the following link to download the latest version.
    Once installed you should not have any issues recording Sirius programming.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I've had this update since March. I am only having an issue now.

  3. #23
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    What issues are you having? I just recorded something on Sirius 101 last night with no problems.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Read the first post.

  5. #25
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I was having the same issue. I was using SiriusXM Streamer 1.9.11. Since I've switched over to XMTuner my recordings are working fine.

  6. #26
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Having the same proble with both xm tuner and sirius streamer. Seems that replay av lose sirius station . I go into my folder and have like 54 segments. Are we gonna have a fix or just have to wait till the new program comes out?
    Last edited by wils217; 09-09-2012 at 09:47 AM.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Quote Originally Posted by Leerichjr View Post
    I had the same issue and found a new version of the SiriusXM Tuner. Use the following link to download the latest version.
    Once installed you should not have any issues recording Sirius programming.
    I downloaded this version last week even though the op indicated he was alread using it. Like the op I still had problems. As I said in an earlier post, I've had problems with different channels (2) at different times. Two weeks ago 101 was the problem. Last week it was 100 - no problems with 101. That may mean this will simply go away.

  8. #28
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Quote Originally Posted by Leerichjr View Post
    I had the same issue and found a new version of the SiriusXM Tuner. Use the following link to download the latest version.
    Once installed you should not have any issues recording Sirius programming.
    I downloaded this version last week even though the op indicated he was alread using it. Like the op I still had problems. As I said in an earlier post, I've had problems with different channels (2) at different times. Two weeks ago 101 was the problem. Last week it was 100 - no problems with 101. That may mean this will simply go away.

  9. #29
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I had the same message stating that xm Tuner was already running. I am working off of Windows 7 and on the lower left hand corner I can hit a ^ icon to see what programs are working in the background. Sure enough the xm tuner program was already running in the background. I right mouse clicked on the icon and chose "restore" to open the program. Once the program was opened I clicked on the "channels" tab and picked the channel i wanted to record. In the URL builder section I selected "ASX" as a format and copied the IP address. I then pasted that IP address in Replay AV to record my desired channel. I have not had any issues since this weekend.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I was hoping to reported some good news, but unfortunately I can only report half good news. I recorded channel 100 this morning without any interruption... Unfortunately when I recorded channel 104 this afternoon, the show was chopped up, and actually never even finished recording.

    My guess is that all this is temporary... At least I hope. Hopefully this mornings recording for me was not just a fluke. Anyway, with that said, it is possible that the ASX format did not solve anything and that the problems just went away. Personally I don't think changing the link will help, but I am basing that on no knowledge.

    Tomorrow, I will try recording again, and if I have problems again, I will try the ASX link. I will let you know what is going on.

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