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Thread: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

  1. #1
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    Default Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    OK, I will try to describe everything that I can so hopefully I can get an answer to my issue. In short, Replay A/V is not recording my Sirius shows in entirety. I get 10 second to 1 hour+ blocks of recording.

    This all started this past Thursday. When I left for work, everything was working as usual. When I got home is when I noticed something was wrong. Somewhere in between the recordings of my two Sirius shows, something happened. Being that I was not home, I am not sure what happened. I went to my recordings and noticed that my first show had recorded, but my second show did not. I went to click on the Replay A/V icon in the system tray and it disappeared. I figured the program frozen and shut down. But when I clicked the icon in my start menu, it told me that it could not find the program. I looked in the folder I installed it in, and the program file was gone. No one was on my computer, so I have no idea what happened here. I had to uninstall the program and reinstall it for it to finally work.

    Then yesterday (Friday) I ran the program as I usually do, and I noticed that I would get blocks of recordings that would last 10 second to 1 hour+. I do not have it set to cut up the recordings. I record one whole recording in one file. Again, this affected only my Sirius recordings. I do record another show off of a radio website and it records the whole show as it should and has been. So whatever is going on seems to only be effecting the Sirius stream. I checked the XM Tuner and ran it over night (Into this morning) and it never shut off or had any outages. So I dont think it is the XM Tuner. To double check, I streamed a channel through XM tuner while tuning to the station using Replay A/V. The tuner continued to play while the stream through Replay A/V stopped and I got this message, "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because a network error occurred. The server might not be available (for example, the server is busy or not online) or you might not be connected to the network." I even tried to stream Sirius with a different program (SiriusXMStreamer) and I got the same results. Replay A/V records in blocks, while playing the stream from SiriusXMStreamer works fine.

    Going back a step, when I got home from work (Friday) I read a few post on this forum and found that the updated flash player has affect some people. So I tried to record a program on my laptop which has an older version of flash. It did the same thing. I also tried it on a 3rd computer... Same thing. I installed the latest version of flash on the 1st computer I had a problem with... Same thing. I uninstalled flash and reinstalled the last version that worked well... Same thing. By the way, System Restore does not work on my computer. I was never able to figure out how to get it to work, and luckily have never really needed to use it. I think it is a Windows 7 thing or just something messed up on my computer. So I can't go back to a restore point.

    I am not sure what is going on. It has to do with how Replay A/V is capturing the stream. Why it started to act up now and not before is a complete mystery.

    Some other helpful info... I have Windows 7 (XP on my 3rd computer & Vista on my laptop), XM Tuner 0.6.4 and I am using Replay A/V 8.82.

    Hopefully someone out there can help me. I know this program is not really being supported anymore, but hopefully I can get some help. By the way, I know I read that a new program that is similar is coming out soon. What is the latest word on that? Last I saw was in the beginning of August and it was said to be coming out in a few weeks. Is it still on schedule? Can you give a good description of its capabilities?

    I appreciate any help. Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Hello, enfuego360.

    I’m so glad you posted this. I am having a similar experience as you and I was getting ready to post something about it myself.

    Beginning this past week, probably around Tuesday, I began to notice that some stream captures using Replay A/V v8.83 and XMTuner v0.6.4 have been interrupted during capture. I’ve been trying to look for patterns, but there have been no apparent patterns yet so far. By that I mean, I might get a 1 hour show stream to download in its entirety, but then another show might record for 91 minutes, then prematurely end and restart to finish recording for the rest of its scheduled time only to have more intermittent uneven disruptions for the rest of its intended recording schedule.

    Another quick example to illustrate the seeming randomness of the current situation is I would have a recording begin at its intended time only to stop within 4 minutes, then begin to capture the stream again and work for about an hour only to have it stop again and repeat similar stilted behavior for the rest of the scheduled recording period.

    These uneven intermittent interruptions make me think that the problem points less to that of a timing out issue because it’s not an even 90 minutes, which I think is the amount of listening time you get when tuned to Sirius/XM with their native Flash application before it gives you the “are you still listening” nag screen.

    The combination of Replay A/V v8.83 and XMTuner has been working flawlessly for me for I think about a year now, since the last time Sirius introduced their new Flash-based on-line listening application and broke the stand-alone functionality of Replay A/V.

    I don’t know if what we’re dealing with right now is a Sirius/XM countermeasure intended to dissuade or eliminate stream capture, or if it is simply some network problems that Sirius/XM is currently experiencing. Or maybe we are nearing the end of the road for the particular servers that the XMTuner app accesses. If anyone here can shed some light on this, I would be grateful.

    For the record, I have been successfully using the combination of Replay A/V v8.83 and XMTuner on an old Pentium III running Windows XP SP3. The Windows OS has been kept up-to-date, but I have been careful not to download every new version of Adobe Flash because of the reported problems that some people have been having with the Flash-based/I Heart Radio/audio-capture methods of recording with Replay A/V.

    I should mention that the “I Heart Radio/audio-capture” method of recording with Replay A/V has been working properly for me. It’s only the when I try to stream capture using the above described methods that I have been having this recording problem.

    Are there any others out there having this same problem?

    And a quick hello to Cheryl. Hello. I hope you’re doing well. I’m sure you’re tired of being asked this question, but do you have any new information on when the new Replay A/V replacement will be released? Are either you or your tech people who monitor what’s going on with Sirius having issues similar to what we have described here?

    Thank you to you, Cheryl, and to enfuego360 for opening this thread, and to anyone who might be able to provide information and offer solutions.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    We don't have a date for the new program. I have no idea why you had the issue with Sirius as you can't record using stream capture unless you use the tuner. If they had an issue or if your Internet had an issue that could be the reason for that.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    No. I have no issue with my internet connection, and as I said above, there are no breaks in the XM Tuner stream. What else could cause this?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I am experiencing the same thing. I will get a show that will split into short fragments creating multiple files where there would typically be only one file of say 1 hour of Sirius feed. I agree that it's frustrating. In the past, this has happened and then it would seemingly "fix itself". I have tried restarts of the program and the computer.

    If it matters, i'm running on Replay AV on a Parallels install on a Mac computer. Replay AV is really the only reason I even run Windows on this Mac...I hope this can be resolved quickly. Recording the shows manually is a shame and the scheduling that R-AV provides is very handy.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    I've had this same problem for over a week. I too use the XMTuner. I thought it might be related to the isp. I'm using a different one this weekend and everything was fine last night. But this morning I have about thirty files for a four hour recording. Every few months I have trouble with this set up. But it just doesn't record and it goes away after a couple of days. This is different. I haven't kept up with this site lately. But I saw in other threads that some of the other host programs are up again and using the newer streams. I think i'm going to try those.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Unfortunately no change from last week. After reading a few more threads, this seems to be the issue from March, that I was lucky enough to not experience until now. I am hoping that by the end of this week, or hopefully the beginning of next week I will be able to record as usual. I hope at least. It seems as though there really is no support to give... At least until the new program comes out. I hope that is soon too.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Quote Originally Posted by enfuego360 View Post
    Unfortunately no change from last week. After reading a few more threads, this seems to be the issue from March, that I was lucky enough to not experience until now. I am hoping that by the end of this week, or hopefully the beginning of next week I will be able to record as usual. I hope at least. It seems as though there really is no support to give... At least until the new program comes out. I hope that is soon too.
    I'm going to give siriusxmstreamer a try. Someone in another thread mentioned that it's capable of playing the new Sirius threads. As I understand it XM Tuner still uses the old ones. I'm surprised that Sirius hasn't pulled the plug on them by now.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    siriusxmstreamer is having the same issues for me

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Replay A/V Isn't Recording Sirius Shows In Entirety...

    Let me know if it helps you. It didn't help me. I used Replay A/V to record off of XM Tuner on 3 computers (XP, Vista & Windows 7) & SiriusXMStreamer on my Windows 7 computer. All 4 options did not work today (Same as last Friday). Now I also recorded through my sound card using XM Tuner (Not the stream) and the audio only kicked out about 5 times for 20 to 60 seconds each time.

    It's as if Replay A/V isn't reading the stream correctly. It think the stream has timed out, when it has not and then reconnects.

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