Is Capture Suite better to record xm radio than Replay 8?
Is Capture Suite better to record xm radio than Replay 8?
Should a person by "Capture Suite" instead of using Reply 8 to capture xm sirius broadcasts? a
forgive the hijack, but I am a new owner of the Applian suite, and just saw the Replay AV 8.83B as on option via Director. Will downloading and installing it hose up the ability to be notified when the new version comes out?
We stopped selling Replay AV at the end of January. When our new program comes up it will work great recording both from an audio stream and by stream capturing. It will not record Sirius due to how they stream using stream capture. There is nothing we can do regarding this. We are excited and looking forward to the release but don't have a date as of yet.
From a previous post from Applian:
"Do to more changes when the new program comes out it will be able to capture using audio only with Sirius and XM. The streams from them are such that stream capture is no longer possible-unless they change again."
Any news on a timeframe for launch? Anything, just a guesstimate. Give me some hope.
Still no time frame for the release. Thanks for your continued patience.
Cheryl - can you please give an update. I would like to know the date RAV is planned to be released and what its features will contain.
I have also been waiting (im)patiently for the new release. I can only assume that there are some serious difficulties affecting its launch that you are still trying to overcome.
no-just a lot of testing. Now, the developer is moving back to the US so it is going to be at least a month or more.