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Thread: New update of Replay Music

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    Wink New update of Replay Music

    Hi Cheryl/Jeff,
    Do you know when we are going to get an update to Replay Music 5.05?
    I signed up to your newsletter but I have never ever received one and I have been a user of Applian for many years now???

    Still hoping you'll allow copy and paste of names into the editing of track names using the mouselike 4.40 did.
    A button for transferring to itunes without having to click record and back off each time.
    Replay music always appears in the middle of the screen, could it be so that it appears where you last left it as Windows screens do.
    An abiity to resize the window would be useful too.
    Please pass on to the developers, many thanks.

    An idea for the future release of Replay Music would be to allow to set it up to record several albums with different file names, you could state the numer of tracks for the album before it creates the second folder as you normally would creating the first folder. You could leave Replay music to record say from Spotify and it would create the albums, job done.
    Just an idea.
    Thanks S

  2. #2
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    Default Re: New update of Replay Music

    We are testing one now and hope to have it ready for release in the very near future. The developers do read this. I do know that it will allow copy and paste but for now you can use Control C and V as that does work.

  3. #3
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    Red face Re: New update of Replay Music

    Many thanks for the reply. Looks like there will have been a lot of work done on the update as it has been some time since the last one 5.05.
    I have been using control and V since version 5, just a feature I miss of 4.40.
    Cheers S

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Talking Re: New update of Replay Music

    Hi all at Applian,
    Just to say a BIG THANK YOU for all of your efforts with Replay Music 5.20, the copy paste feature using the mouse is back, yayyy! The tagging is better still and you have addressed many issues raised in these forums, thanks.
    I still hope to see that button to send to itunes instead of having to click record then stop recoring to bring it up, next update lol, I don't stop do I?
    Just useful feature I feel, anyone else feel that this would be a good idea?

    Great work Applian!


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Default Re: New update of Replay Music

    Thank you for the kind words. They are appreciated and read.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Re: New update of Replay Music

    In this version (5.20) the Start Recording Session Window does not allow Copy and Paste with the mouse, it worked in 5.05.
    You fixed the copy and paste with the mouse to edit tracks in the Edit Track Information Window in 5.20.
    I knwo you can paste using the keyboard Cntrl and V, I just find it useful to use the mouse.
    Please pass this on to the developers Cheryl.
    All the best

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