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Thread: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    I'm trying to record a sprintcar race from the USAC website, the first one I did was perfect. This second one starts and is listed as in the recording window:

    [Bsubpage php-copy(2)flv Status Downloading (RTMP)- ______kb( 00:______/ 00:54:25)][/B]

    When it reaches the 00:54:25 it shows complete and stops recording even though the video plays for another hour. Is this a problem due to the way it was
    posted on the website or is this something I'm doing? Any help would be appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    You may need to check the settings in Tools. You may have to change the limits.
    You could also post the URL so we could try it for you to see what results we get.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    I can't post the link to the video because it's a video on demand type and you have to have a subscription to view it. They post the videos the day after the event for subscribers to watch, the first one posted wasn't a problem, but the next 2 both had the same problem. They will be posting last nights video this morning and I will try that one. There were to be 7 races in 9 days so I wanted these on video for watching on the big screen TV, so out of the 3 posted so far I end up with one good copy.

    At this point I'm sure it has something to do with the way the video's are uploaded and not the recorder, but is there something in the settings to ignore the time frame settings?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    I take it you checked the settings in Tools to see if the limits needed changing.
    You could also try Replay Video Capture or Video Clone.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    Like I said at the start of this, I'm new to the program. I went back and checked one of my finished captures all the way to the end, what I didn't realize was the fact that Reply Media Catcher downloaded the complete file in the background while I was
    watching the video. So when I saw it complete and I'm still watching the video, I thought it had stopped recording. Thanks for your help. This is a great program!!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: New to Replay Media Catcher4 and don't know the answer

    Yes, unlike Replay Media Capture with Replay Media Catcher you can move away from the site with the confidence that it will download the program in the background. It is one of my favourite pieces of software. Have fun.

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