Anyone get Slacker to work with RM? There are no waveforms in RM. I don't think it's a install problem because it works fine with Rhapsody.
Anyone get Slacker to work with RM? There are no waveforms in RM. I don't think it's a install problem because it works fine with Rhapsody.
Make sure in Replay Music in settings "Audio Driver" is selected and, also, make sure that, in Volume Control>Options Select Recording properties then make sure that Wave Out Mix is checked marked. If you still do not receive waves in Replay Music ...your gonna have to resort to "Wave Out" in Replay Music settings.
Got it to work!
For some reason.. Slacker software player doesn't work.. Nor does IE. But it works fine with Firefox.
Great. Thanks for the information. We do appreciate it. There are a lot of different systems out and what works for one person doesn't always work with another.
Since Vista came out, I have had a lot of trouble recording streams from internet based sites using IE 7. Firefox v3 works flawlessly for recording streams from all my favorite sites now. Now if we could just get track identification to work.
I was seeing the strangest thing with Slacker too. While in IE8 Replay Music would 'hear' if I played Pandora or Shoutcast just as well as it hears iTunes or any other non-browser app on my Vista pc.
But when I'd play Slacker, the vu meter for the recording level was flat. So it wasn't everything in IE8 that Replay Music was deaf to, just Slacker.
Installed Firefox and Slacker played through that browser now records fine.
Works fine in Safari too, so it appears to be something unique with the IE7/IE8 browsers + Slacker + Reply Music combination.
Funny that it plays fine over the speakers, just Replay can't hear it.