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Thread: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Talking Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Hi Cheryl,
    I am finding that Replay Music splits tracks well as long as the album being recorded has a definate silence between tracks. If I am recording an album where the tracks merge even though a new track then Replay Music does not recoginise it as a new track.
    Is it totally dependent on silence? Is there not a way to create in an update for Replay to recognise automatically when a new track has started a kind of detection? This would be useful for Live albums and those which don't have this silence between tracks.

    Thanks for all of your great customer support, one of the best out there!
    Last edited by Scubasa1; 04-05-2012 at 05:36 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Thanks for the compliments. This is how the tagging does work. A suggedtion would be to use the silence.mp3 we have in the program. Enter it between the songs on your Playlist and see if that works better. We have tested this with itunes and it works for that.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Hi Cheryl,
    It is really useful to be able insert the silence into a playlist, it is then detected and splits the tracks. However when an advert comes on after a track and before the silence it is sometimes added to the track. I bought replay music so that I could leave it to record and then edit track names etc afterwards if need be. I am finding that some tracks are longer and it is because commercials are added because the silence isn't long enough, the silence MP3 doesn't help here because the advert is before the silence track.
    Any other ideas Cheryl or from the developer on how to solve this? I have kept the 500 vol in the default but changed the split to 50 milliseconds from the default 300 and this seems to be working well.
    I hope this issue will be addressed in the next update of Replay Music.


    Update 13-4-12
    I am placing a silence MP3 between each track, found in the Programme files of Replay music (Upon installation of Relay Music it is placed here but can be copied anywhere on your PC.) Change the milliseconds from 300 to 50, most adverts are missed off and silences for those tracks that merge are seperated by the silence track, check timings of tracks at the end but most are working now.
    Last edited by Scubasa1; 04-13-2012 at 02:24 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Another good idea if using Spotify is to click on Edit then preferences, go to the playback section and uncheck gapless playback if it is ticked. Replay relies on silences and this helps a lot.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Thank you so much for the hint on the gapless playback. I had missed that in Spotify.

  6. #6
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    Smile Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Glad the advice was useful, keep checking the forums because you find out some useful tips and ideas to solve issues and problems.
    Cheryl and Jeff are great and offer wonderful customer support.
    I am sure you'll agree, Replay Music is a fantasic piece of software.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Thats a great tip indeed and one I wasnt aware of until...30 seconds ago

    Thanks for the kind words too :-D
    Best Regards,

    Jeff Lenney
    Technical Support
    Applian Technologies, Inc.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    where do I find this silence track to drag into my spotify playlist???

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scubasa1 View Post
    Hi Cheryl,

    I am placing a silence MP3 between each track, found in the Programme files of Replay music (Upon installation of Relay Music it is placed here but can be copied anywhere on your PC.) Change the milliseconds from 300 to 50, most adverts are missed off and silences for those tracks that merge are seperated by the silence track, check timings of tracks at the end but most are working now.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitchgy View Post
    where do I find this silence track to drag into my spotify playlist???
    Best Regards,

    Jeff Lenney
    Technical Support
    Applian Technologies, Inc.

  10. #10
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    Thumbs up Re: Splitting Tracks Correctly?

    If you go to the your system Drive in My Computer (XP) or Computer (Windows 7) and then to Programme Files (X86 on 64 bit Windows 7), you then go to the Replay Music Folder, in there you will find the silence MP3. You can copy and paste it to the most convenient place on your PC/Drive.
    To insert inbetween tracks on spotify just hold down your left button on your mouse and drag from the place you saved it on your PC to the Spotify window and inbetween the tracks you are listening to.
    It will automatically place a Silence file of 5 seconds inbetween the tracks.
    Also ensure that you have Gapless recording set in Spotify, go to Edit at the top and select Preferences in Spotify.
    Hope this helps.
    Steve :-)
    Is that a good enough explaination Jeff?
    Last edited by Scubasa1; 05-04-2012 at 09:00 AM.

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