Computer Setup is
Windows XP Home SP2, JAWS 9 screen reader, Replay AV 8.41.
Started testing some more the Replay Converter 3.0 beta (3b8
build) with JAWS 9. All feels accessible and working well so
far. I checked to see if the main interface buttons still worked
like the minimize, about, exit, options and its dialog box
contents, list box, removing an item in the list box and more.
I converted a .mp3 file to .wma and a .wmv to .mp3.
I need to check the new feature which allows one to import the
video off a DVD disc. DVD disc that is non-copyrighted. I have
to locate one tomorrow.
The one change I see in this version is you can now add or
delete the audio and video target formats you see in the list
box. Just choose "add ..." in the list box to add the additional
formats. Standard dialog box and list box. Spacebar to select or
deselect then choose the add button. Then you will be back in
the main interface listbox for the formats. To remove a format
you press your applications keyboard key (right mouse click) and
choose delete in the context menu. Make sure you select the
format first before pressing the applications key. Simple.
Deleting the format does not permanently delete the format from
your computer. You can add the format again.