I meet an annoying problem with Freecorder 4 :
Despite you use the "delete all movies" function, it leaves a whole bunch of
".BIN" file in
"E:\Users\MYPC\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Tem porary Internet Files\Virtualized\E\Users\MYPC\AppData\Local\FLVSe rvice\"
In some few months, I get 100G of ".BIN" files and full my disk
After searching this for sometimes, I know how to go and delete this files manually
It's really annoying to have to MANAGE this, remember the last time, i've deleted,
then delete manually ...
I've seen answer to post17487 and to stop the service FLVSRV : but this way you don't record video anymore ! What I only wish is to have these BIN delete WHEN I Delete the movie file .
ANY solutions, suggestions ?