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I just purchased the Replay Capture Suite. The Media Catcher seems to work fine, but I cannot convert the .flv files using Converter. The files will play in the Flash Video Player. It just says "0 of 1 files converted." and stops no matter what format I choose. I've been trying to get this to work for hours and it's frustrating. This actually worked in the demo version. I also had a problem getting one video to record in Media Catcher. It would record but the actual video file would be smaller and wouldn't play in the Player. I ended up having to use some other software to save it. I've got 30 days to get this to work before I try and get a refund.
Hmm, well if you're using version 2.8 which it sounds like you are, If you don't mind, I'd like you to try something for me please, I'm HOPING this will resolve your issue, but if it does not we'll certainly look into it further for you:
Please try changing the direct show settings for the type of file that you are converting from. Here’s how to do this in Replay Converter 2.80.
1.Click on Options.
2.If your conversion is a video file, click on the “Video Conversion Options” button. If your conversion is an audio only file click on the Audio Conversions Options button.
3.In the Direct Show options dialog box that opens next, find the file format of the original file that you are converting FROM. If Direct Show for that format is not checked, please check it. If it is already checked, then please uncheck it. If you are unable to find the format of the original file you are converting in the options, then either check or uncheck the "Other" check box.
4.Try your conversion again.
Let me know if this helps.
Best Regards,
Jeff Lenney
Technical Support
Applian Technologies, Inc.