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Thread: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

  1. #1
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    Default Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    Managed to capture an audio only FLV file of the New Years Day concert but when I convert it to mp3 it stops after about 15%. Its such great music I would love to copy it onto my ipod.

    Thanks for any help


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    What error exactly did you get?

    If your FLV file contains MP3 audio track, try to extract it using the following preset:
    - Audio Extraction (Extract MP3 to MP3)

    If it contains an AAC audio track, then try to extract with Replay Media Catcher to M4A or M4B losslessly using one of the following conversion presets:
    - Audio Extraction (Extract AAC to M4A)
    - Audio Extraction (Extract AAC to M4B)

    In both cases you can avoid the lossy conversion operation by using lossless extraction. Not only it is faster, but allows not to lose quality.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    The error is that Replay Converter gets to about 15% of the FLV file and then finishes prematurely so I only have a few minutes of a 3 hour recording. The music stops in the middle of a piece.

    The FLV Metadata sheet says duration 3 hours; Audio code mp4a; codec name AAC; can seek to end? = no

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    Were you extracting AAC audio or converting to AAC? Have you tried to extract AAC with Replay Media Catcher?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    Media catcher downloaded 3 hours of the concert in a flv file but only the first 30 minutes are useable. Later I tried extracting the sound to mp3 but the faulty file stopped again at 30 minutes.

    Media catcher warned it was a protected stream which would only be downloaded while simultaneously watching it, which I did. There might have been a very brief downloading buffering pause.

    I wish I had recorded the sound "as heard" rather than try and use media catcher.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Downloading BBC New year concert and converting to MP3 (extracting MP3)

    Backup your FLV file, then try to fix it:

    Quote Originally Posted by ApplianFAQ
    After a live stream is recorded, the Fix FLV tool will run automatically in order to add the duration metadata in (if its missing). This allows the file to be seeked. If the FLV file plays back at the wrong speed or out of sync, you need to fix the timestamps manually. Here's how:
    1. Click Tools -> Fix FLV and select the file to be fixed.
      Or, if the file is still in Replay Media Catcher's main list, right-click on it and select Fix FLV.
    2. Expand the File Contents section

    3. Set timestamp to 15 and click "Fix Time".

    If the resulting file is still fast or slow then the time stamp can be adjusted further. But, 15 usually does the trick. Be sure to click the Fix Time button, or your changes will not be applied.
    Then try to extract the audio track again.

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