Hi there,
Please feel free to assume I'm a complete fool, but I don't seem to be able to work out how to convert FLV files into MP3s using the "Convert" option in Replay Media Catcher 4.
When I try, I get the message "Please select a conversion setting and try again" but I can't really understand what I'm supposed to be doing.
In RMC v3 you had a list of available files and then you selected a new format from the drop-down menu. But in v4 I don't see how you tell the software to convert FLV into MP3.
Obviously, I can still use RMC v3 or Replay Converter, but it would be great if I could convert files without having to open another software package.
Thanks in anticipation of some simple, step-by-step instructions.
(PS. I have downloaded the latest version).