I just upgraded to Media Catcher and used it to capture some music. I was wondering, it works so good, is there a need for Replay Music? Is one better then the other for music capture?
I just upgraded to Media Catcher and used it to capture some music. I was wondering, it works so good, is there a need for Replay Music? Is one better then the other for music capture?
Both programs work differently and also in some cases record from different sites. Music records from the audio stream itself while Media Catcher captures from the stream. A suggestion is to try both and see how you like each of them and the differences.
Well, I like using Pandora Radio as my music source. Media Catcher works well with little error. Replay Music does not work with Pandora. So now, I would have to say Media Catcher is the better choice for those who are choosing. I have the full Replay Suite so I have all the programs. Cheryl, Thank you for your post.