Hi, I've previously been recording radio programmes which have been fine. But recently every time I record a half hour programme it breaks it into two or three segments ie. not one continuous recording. Can anyone shed some light on this please?
Hi, I've previously been recording radio programmes which have been fine. But recently every time I record a half hour programme it breaks it into two or three segments ie. not one continuous recording. Can anyone shed some light on this please?
May be the web-site uses several segments now. Post a link so that we can try.
Thanks for the reply. The radio programme I've tried to record is on the bbc iplayer. It's on radio 7 and the programme is Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show.
Hi, Sorry, forgot to ad the link (brain fade).
I tried to download this RTMP stream with RMC and had the same problem. Notified Applian about it.
It's not me then! Thanks for trying.