Both my friend and I have purchased AV8.81 and are trying to record from the URL below using the scheduler. We are using "Capture by Recording Audio Output" with type= General Streaming Audio using the Replay Audio Driver. We have tried both
(a) Recording to This Format=MP3 and After Recording doing nothing
(b) Recording to This Format=WAV and After Recording Covert to Audio - MP3 (64kbps)
I am using Windows 7 (with UAC turned completely off) and my friend is using Windows XP.
I have tested both PCs with short recordings (say 2 minutes) and longer recordings (say 30 minutes) and both work in testing.
However, in some cases we are both having problems with the recording completing - the scheduled recording length is 45 minutes..
Either the recording "hangs" and there are mysteriously named files left there, one of which says unavailable because it is being used by another program.
Or, a message such as "Error in writing to WAV file" appears
We would appreciate help in this.
The URL is http://live.irib.ir/player.asp?net=http://www.irib.ir/live/sarasari.asx&arm=images/sarasari.gif