I used the trial version of Replay Media Catcher v3.11 to sniff out and download a RTMP stream MP3 to my hard drive.
I downloaded the same file 2 times on one computer and tried 1 time on a totally different computer.
All 3 times (including the time on the totally different computer) the MB size of the MP3 file on my HD was exactly the same each time (for example when you look at properties of the file or run the cursor over the file).
I know the stream should be 70min:52 secs, but for some reason some programmes don't recognise the last 10 seconds of the MP3.
For example :
When playing in "Adobe Audition 1.5" or "RealPlayer 10" or "windows Media Player" in the play bars it says the file is 70min:42secs long and stops/finishes playing when it reaches the end which it says is 70min: 42 secs.
However when played in "GoldWave 5.16" and "Audacity" or "iTunes" or "burned to CD" the play bars says the file is 70min :52secs and plays for that long (an additional 10 secs of crowd noise at the end).
The file plays perfect on any player but I don't understand why (as I described above) do some players not recognise the last 10 seconds of the file ? (even though it is obviously there as other players recognise the last 10 secs of crowd noise in the play bar and play it).
Thanks in advance for any help !, I'd really like to find out what's happening.
PS - does Replay Media Catcher download the exact original file without any types of conversion or anything like that ?