Originally Posted by
So kind,Thanks Cheryl,
1.- Unistalled High Definition Audio Drivers.
2.- Reinstalled only Motherboard audio drivers.
3.- Downloaded the last version of Replay Music, i was using 3.0.xx
4.- Installed Replay Music 3.40.
5.- Now i can Record any sound.
6.- but when i start Replay Music there's an error
"Unable to set recording device for external recording. Please check your audio mixer settings."
7.- All settings are default, set by Realtec High Def. Audio Administrator, "RTHDCPL.EXE". The changes i can make are so limited in the interface,
Is there anything i could do?
Best regards,
PS. The last Drivers from Realtec 2.00 - 2.03, Work Better than Older Ones.
Please double check your settings in Replay Music. Make sure that you have "Audio Driver" selected as the "Input Source". The "Unable to set recording device for external recordings" means you are trying to use a different input source. Also, let me know what you are trying to record.
Mike Christensen
Applian Technologies Inc.