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Thread: Applian Accused Of False Advertising: Not being able to use What U Hear Now in Windows Vista

  1. #1
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    Default Applian Accused Of False Advertising: Not being able to use What U Hear Now in Windows Vista

    System Requirements

    * Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003 or Vista (32 or 64 bit).
    * High-speed Internet Connection recommended.
    * MP3 Player or CD Burner recommended but not required.


    You will not be able to use What U Hear Now with your computer and your system with Vista. It will not work. This is a limitation of Vista and your system and not our program. If you want to use audio you need to use what I suggested-the Replay AV Audio Driver. It is on your program and I have seen it in the log files. You use it the way you record KFI-the radio station-or most audio captures that won't work with stream capture. You use this when you are not able to get a good URL.



    Date: 09 December 2009 06:50
    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Subject: Re: Replay AV 8.76 Problem

    Since other programs can and do work with Vista, it IS an internal problem with the Replay Program.
    I remind you that YOU advertise and it is written in the product information that it DOES work with Vista. Let me remind you that otherwise Applian is liable for making False claims about it's product and False advertiseing in order to sell it's software.
    Appplian needs to contact hundreds of other software manufacturers have done and create a patch that will enable it to work. So don't give me a bunch of BS about it being MY system OR the Operating system.

    You have done nothing but screw around for over a week. You don't know what you are talking about ans I would like to speak to someone who is a little more competent about the product. Obviously YOU did not write or design any part of this program. YOU were put in place in front of a flowchart on a computer screen to spew emails out on something you know nothing about.
    Refer me to someone who knows this software. Otherwise I will persue steps against your company on the premises of making false claims about your product and accepting money for the product on flase claims on it's functionality.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising: Not being able to use What U Hear Now in Windows Vista

    Applian Audio Driver that is used in Replay AV works fine in Windows Vista as well as in Windows 7.

    If you're so frustrated that don't even want to read a user guide, just get your money back. Applian offers a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. I guess you can't offer something like that if your software doesn't work.

    Related thread:
    Streaming - and KFI

    p.s. Despite the fact that your comment is negative, it won't be deleted by Applian.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    I use Replay AV on Windows 7 and it works fine.

    What is "What You Hear Now"?

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    I was wondering what "What U Hear Now" is all about too.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising: Not being able to use What U Hear Now in Windows Vista

    Quote Originally Posted by bblackmoor View Post
    I use Replay AV on Windows 7 and it works fine.

    What is "What You Hear Now"?
    The "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" feature allows you to record from your sound card anything that you hear.

    The main reason of "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" being disabled in many newer sound cards is to prevent users from recording music especially the DRM protected one.

    Where can you use "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear":
    • Record your voice with background music. Sound card can mix voice from a Mic and music together.
    • Record DRM-protected music as MP3, WMA, WAV,... files.
    • Record online music from social music services and radio stations
    • Record the audio part when recording video from screen
    • Record sound tracks from games
    • Record Skype and VoIP calls.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    Does anyone know what are these sound cards that don't work? Is there a list avaliable somewhere? Is there a way to tell if a card works or not before I would buy a certain sound card?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    Quote Originally Posted by DADEO View Post
    Does anyone know what are these sound cards that don't work? Is there a list avaliable somewhere? Is there a way to tell if a card works or not before I would buy a certain sound card?
    There are sound cards that don't work and there are drivers that do not have the Stereo Mix option. For example, I can perfectly record from my sound card using the Stereo Mix in Windows XP, but the same option is not available in Windows 7. May be the vendor will update drivers and may be not. May be there will be alternative drivers, but there is a possibility that the problem will not be solved in Windows 7.

    You can buy a certain sound card that have the Stereo Mix / What U Hear option, and you should do that.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    Sound card issues are the reason we have the Replay AV Audio Driver. It works great with both Vista and with Windows 7.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising

    Thank you for your reply. What had me concerned was this part from an above post "The main reason of "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" being disabled in many newer sound cards is to prevent users from recording music especially the DRM protected one." I was just wondering if I could find this information out before purchasing a new card. However, it sounds like if I did have one of these cards, I could just use the
    Replay AV Audio Driver.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Applian Accused Of False Advertising: Not being able to use What U Hear Now in Windows Vista

    Quote Originally Posted by DADEO View Post
    Thank you for your reply. What had me concerned was this part from an above post "The main reason of "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear" being disabled in many newer sound cards is to prevent users from recording music especially the DRM protected one." I was just wondering if I could find this information out before purchasing a new card. However, it sounds like if I did have one of these cards, I could just use the Replay AV Audio Driver.
    If you don't have any sound cards yet, you should choose the one with the "Wave Out Mix" / "Stereo Mix" / "Record What you hear". Just read the manual of the sound card or ask its manufacturer whether it has this feature or not. If your sound card doesn't have the feature, you can use Replay AV, Replay Music, Replay Media Catcher, Replay Video Capture. These products are different, but all of them can record sound from the Applian Audio Driver. This is especially important for the users of Windows 7 and Windows Vista (actually I even tried Replay Music and Replay Media Catcher in Ubuntu Linux with Wine emulator ).

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