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Thread: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    Replay a/v 8.6
    Windows 7 64 bit:

    No success in recording today- first time using A/V since upgrading to Win 7.

    I went to File/Settings/Sound Mixer and only one sound card driver listed - I seem to recall in Vista I had a 2nd choice - the Replay A/V Driver.
    I dont see a link on the download page of applian for such a driver.

    I check the systems device mgr - no problems listed.
    Oh and my sound card drivers are up todate.

    Any suggestions?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    Although I can record sound in my Windows XP, the new settings are a little bit confusing for me. When I go to the File -> Settings and see the Sound Mixer settings, I don't see any Applian drivers. I can only notice a message on the bottom that "Enhanced sound card driver not installed". When I hit the "Test alternate recording methods" button, I get a message that "Stereo mixer" is my default recording method for scheduled tasks.

    Then I add a new show and set it up:
    Go to Shows -> Add Show Manually. On the Recording tab select "Capture by recording audio output". The "Stereo mixer" is not my default recording option, but I can select it or "Replay AV audio driver" as an audio recording method.

    What kind of recording method do you use? If you use "Replay AV audio driver", do you start Replay AV before an application you want to record from?

    p.s. The confusing things for me are:
    1. In the Settings there are only Stereo Mixer option, while Stereo Mixer is not the only source of recording.
    2. After clicking onto "Test alternate recording methods" button a message showed that the "Stereo mixer" is my default recording method for scheduled tasks. What I don't understand is what kind of scheduled tasks are meant and how to make Replay AV audio driver the default method.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    As I stated I dont see the "Replay AV audio driver" as on option.
    And I think that is the problem.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    That is in the program and not in your sound drivers under the control panel. If you don't see it then please do a reinstall of the program as it did not install correctly.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    Thats just it- I did a reinstall of A/V twice before posting!
    As I thought the same thing.

    I have the latest version, would installing an older version of 8 be better?
    Though I only saved a copy of version 7...

  6. #6
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    I have the same problem as sethm1.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    This is not something I'm able to duplicate. Please go to the recording tab when you have Record-Record Audio from Speakers checked. Make a screen shot of the recording tab showing what you do have show up for recording. Send this and a ticket to tech support for us. Thanks.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    I'm in the same boat to the other members with this problem, I've just upgraded from XP to Windows 7 and done a clean reinstall of Replay AV 8 (and Replay Converter, and RealPlayer, and everything else on my system for that matter). Here's what I've noticed happens for me.

    1) Recording from sound card / "speakers" does actually look as though it's doing something (ie. the recording timer counts up), but the equaliser window isn't picking up any sound (although there's definitely sound coming through the speakers).
    If you stop the recording and say that you want to save it, there's nothing saved as Replay AV has detected no sound.

    2) Scheduled recording does work and does pick up sound, however I then set up my recordings to convert to MP3 which doesn't seem to be working. I do have a RealAudio .RM file which has recorded the sound. However when Replay AV tries to do the convert to MP3 I get an application failed message.

    3) I've also tried to use Replay Converter to take the .RM file from point 2 above and convert to MP3. Although Converter looks like it's worked, the produced MP3 file has no sound in it.

    All in all a bit of a puzzle, and I hope you can help, I use Replay AV all the time and I'm a bit lost without it.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    I'm having the same problem with Windows 7. I upgraded to the Replay Suite V8 when I moved to Win 7 and havent been able to record a a thing yet. I havent used the video recording yet, still trying to get the audio (radio Station) going.
    Please Help!!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: can't record from sound card with Replay AV in Windows 7: Missing Driver

    For a real player file see if you are able to use Real Alternative instead of Real Player. Then try the conversion to mp3.

    If you are using the audio capture and not stream capture see how it works if you turn off the User Account control. You do need to use the Replay Av Audio Driver when doing an audio recording.

    If you continue to have an issue please send a ticket to tech support. Let us know what you have done and tried and be sure and send a log file. Thanks.

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