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Thread: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

  1. #1
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    Default Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    I'm using version 3.75 on Windows Vista. The only input source available in settings is 'audio driver'. I start replay, click 'start recording'; click 'Open website to record' and go to my Pandora account. I get no recording and no indication that Replay knows music is playing from my speakers.

    Any more help on this?

    BTW, this worked great on my other computer using WinXP.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Open Music
    Select Start Recording
    Our dialog box comes up
    At the bottom it says to record from a website
    Select that and our page comes up
    Go back to the dialog box and select OK
    Now, go to what you want to record.

    It worked great this morning with Pandora and my Vista machine so do give it a try. If you need further assistance let us know.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 (08-25-2009) on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    I have the same problem the guy mentioned above. The program seems not to be aware that sound is being played at all. I can't select any option other than audio driver in the drop down list. (I think there was another opton when I had 3.50 installed, though that didn't work properly, either.) I did try using the dialog box to open the website as you suggested, but nothing different happened.

    Edit.: I take it back. It does recognize audio playing from websites, but ignores other audio. That's probably a feature, not a bug, as you don't want sound from other programs interfering with what's playing . However, if I want to record from a media player, like a live TV feed, is there a way to route the audio there?)

    At this point I would consider the problem 95% solved, so if there isn't an easy answer to my second question, it's not a huge deal.

    Thanks for your help!

    Last edited by bucknerwh; 09-15-2009 at 11:36 AM. Reason: more data

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 (08-25-2009) on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    good to know you figured that out and makes your problem good as solved

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    I am having the same problem - won't record under Vista.

    I have been using RM for nearly 3 years now & have been using Pandora for nearly a year. Everything was fine until I got my new system up and running.

    Installed RM, got connected to Pandora and went through my usual setup/configuration routine. Yet I can't get anything into RM 3.75.

    The audio meter "blipped" for literally a second, then went "silent". Recording Time: 00:00:01 and then nothing. Nothing moves the audio meter, nothing is coming into RM.

    This is identical hardware to what I had just 3 weeks ago. In fact my "new system" is nothing but a wiped drive & clean OEM install of Vista (yeah, I boned my laptop with a Win 7 RC1 install, so I had to start over!).

    Any clues? Should I have kept my older version of RM?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Just to clarify, CyberSproketLabs, are you actually clicking the 'Open Website to Record' button BEFORE playing what you want to record? Mine didn't work until I did that.

    If you have been using Replay Music for years, as you say, it's possible that you didn't see this new button, which wasn't there as recently as v3.50. It opens a browser window and (I think) gooses the program to start expecting sound to come in from a browser. Use the browser to navigate to Pandora. I tried this yesterday with and got my Vista machine to work for the first time ever.

    If I don't click that button, my Replay Music 3.75 doesn't notice any sounds playing on the computer, which is the problem you said you were having.

    Good luck!


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 (08-25-2009) on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Quote Originally Posted by bucknerwh View Post
    I take it back. It does recognize audio playing from websites, but ignores other audio. That's probably a feature, not a bug, as you don't want sound from other programs interfering with what's playing . However, if I want to record from a media player, like a live TV feed, is there a way to route the audio there?)
    It can record from other programs as well. You just need to launch Replay Music first and THEN the program you want to record from.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 (08-25-2009) on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Also, make absolutely sure the program you want to record from is not running when you start replay music. I repeatedly miss the fact that spotify is hidden in my systray and not really closed before running replay music, which makes it fail to record things.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Great hint on the above. That is a common error and one that is often missed. Thanks.

  10. #10
    Mike Christensen's Avatar
    Mike Christensen is offline Lead Software Developer, Applian Technologies
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    Default Re: Replay Music 3.75 on Windows Vista can't record from audio driver

    Yes, good observation indeed about Spotify. Also, with regards to CyberSprocketLabs seeing just a blip from the Volume Meter, probably what happened is Replay Music locked on another audio source, perhaps a system sound. Replay Music will lock on the first audio sound it "hears" and will continue to lock on only that source until you click the "Stop" button. You can check what Replay Music locks on in the Status area of Replay Music where it says Replay Music is recording from something in the upper left corner. If it locks into the wrong source, just click the "Stop" button and then start recording again.

    Best regards,
    Mike Christensen
    Applian Technologies Inc.

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