What's the best way to let Applian know about technical problems with Guide pages? I've tried the "suggest improvements" link and that hasn't done any good:
The podcast listing for the CBC's "As It Happens from CBC Radio (Highlights)" has an XML error lately (invalid character). I tried to report that and now the page says "Warning: This show may no longer be available." Not true: It is very much available. Replay AV keeps downloading it; I just can't look at the episode descriptions.
The podcast listing for "APM: A Prairie Home Companions News from Lake Wobegon" makes Replay AV crash (...has encountered a problem and needs to close). This happens only if I use the go to Guide link in Replay AV, not if I access the guide from either Firefox or IE. I've reported this, too, but the problem has been occuring for sometime without resolution.
And I still find instances when I try to enter an XML for a podcast not in the directory and the guide keeps displaying a page for some old (no recent episodes) podcast in a foreign language. I've reported this, too.