Just bought catcher and very frustrated.
I get through maybe 4 songs before Slacker makes me log in again saying there's been "unusual activity" on my account. Sometimes I have to close both the browser and Catcher to even log back in. And no, this doesn't happen when Catcher's not running.
When it does work, tags are hit and miss. When it doesn't tag correctly, I try to use MusicDNS. This will fail 4 or 5 times, then all the sudden finds the tag. But out of 10 recordings, I might get 3 tags automatically if I'm lucky. I'm spending more time trying to nurse this thing along than actually listening/recording music!
Using Catcher 3.02 with Firefox 3.0.10 (latest of both). I'm directly connected to the Net with no ports blocked.
Please, help before I have to return this product.