So I recently got the iphone and, in my efforts to make custom ringtones, stumbled upon the program Replay Converter. Following the instructions from a youtube video I learned how to work the program.
Everything seems to work precisely as instructed in the video for converting a song into a ringtone. I followed every instruction letter for letter. Once the song is converted into a ringtone it goes into my itunes ringtone folder.
The problem is that even though they show up on the ringtone list, I cannot sync them to my iphone. When I select my iphone on itunes I get a number of tabs I can cycle through related to the phone, one of those tabs being "ringtones". When I go to this tab, there are no available ringtones to sync even though with one click I can go to a list available on itunes that shows me the ringtone exists.
Might anyone have any idea what is wrong? Is this something I need to contact Apple about? Considering I'm not paying to make these ringtones by using a freely downloaded program, should I specifically "not" contact them?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.