Downloading this video does not work:
Downloading this video does not work:
Same here for
I'm using Firefox 3.0.6 with Add-on version 1.6.1
Hi All,
We have just been made aware that the Fast Video Downloader is not working with the newer YouTube videos. We are looking into this. Your patience is appreciated!
Best Regards,
Tasha Heinlein
Applian Technologies, Inc.
Fast Video Download add-on recently stopped functioning.
No other downloader can compare. I miss this puppy.
I imagine YouTube restructured some code and a solution requiring re-coding is necessary.
Does anyone know the skinny on why this has happened?
Ok by now we users and lovers of Fast Video Download are freaked that the add-on tool doesn't work.
We are not alone. Other downloading tools that once worked on YouTube have become dysfunctional as well.
It seems like there is nothing we can do. The programing developers can attempt to re-work their add-on devises or succumb to new terms of service at YouTube and quit working to make it a better place. VACATE YouTube and find a new best place to help out.
If YouTube wants to suck, there will other video sites to turn to. Google owns YouTube. If Google is getting greedy and we must be pawns, let's move on and let their revenues slip. Do not succumb to buying the content. Advertisers should pay for the site to operate not the visitors.
YouTube Kills Our Video Download Tool
YouTube Kills Our Video Download Tool
We have submitted an update. We hope that it will be released within the next two weeks. I know this is a bummer...hang in there!!
Best Regards,
Tasha Heinlein
Applian Technologies, Inc.