I used at-large recorder for about 6 months with my computer without problems. I purchased a new computer and installed the program and I keep getting the error "Error: Timeout occured when trying to receive data" when I try to record. The problem is so bad that the recorder is useless to me.

It took me a while to figure this out. I would program my recorder to record programs and when I returned home at the end of the day and wanted to watch what I had recorded I would only end up watching the first 5 minutes or 15 minutes and that was it. The recording had ended and there was no message. After a couple of weeks one day I noticed that it stopped recording after only 2 minutes and the "Error: Timeout occured when trying to receive data" appeared in read. I have installed the recorder on another computer that I have and I don't have that problem with the other computer but I'm not interested in recording on the other computer.

The time that it records before it stops recording and gives me an error message is random. It can be anywhere between 2 minutes to 90 minutes but it always happens and most of the time is within 15 minutes.

Any insight would be appreciated.