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Thread: Folders, naming and tagging

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Folders, naming and tagging

    I am still using RM6 even though I bought RM7, I can't get it to place into folders and just name the track name, it always puts the artist, I just had %T in the file name output, but I don't seem to able to do this with RM7. If I could get RM 7 just to tag the track name in the folder like in RM6 %T I would be using RM7 again.
    I too have noticed that RM6 is no longer tagging Cheryl, even on old albums???

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Use {} for tagging. Also, use \ for folder separators. That should help.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Hi Cheryl,
    I want to recreate the %T which I have set in RM6, any advice.
    I have this at the moment
    So I am using the brackets as you suggested.
    The folders are set up via setting a directory in settings and input tab and then within the folder I setup the album folder using the artist and album in the start recording session when using RM6.
    This means that the location is setup as the artist, the folder is created within it and the Mp3 with just the track title within that using RM6, perfect.
    If I could get RM7 to do this, how???

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Try this: {artist}\{title}
    I believe that is what you want.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Thanks Cheryl, I'll give that a go.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Didn't work, it wants to put the artist name in the track title, all I want is the track title.
    When using RM6 I have a folder named MP3's, within that I set up the artist folders. When recording RM6 will place the album named folder in the artist folder automatically, then I name the tracks as tagging is no longer working, but the tracks are all neatly named, just the track titles within the album.
    I have it set as %T in RM6 using Spotify.
    Just works but I can't replicate this using RM7.
    Think I'd better stick with RM6, it does what I want, I have tried 7, it records fine but the naming system drives me mad.
    Weird how RM7 is tagging but RM6 is no longer tagging the same albums, can this be solved. As loyal customers who bought 6, surely you will still support us?
    Thanks for your time.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Hi Cheryl,
    Any updates on the above, I tried to use 8 again today as I am still using RM6 without the tagging now. I would like to use Tagging again with RM8 but I am still facing the problem above.
    I use Spottily and I want my track to be placed into the Artist Folder then within a sub folder which is the album. I understand this is {artist}\{album}
    I then want the title of the track which I'd assume is {artist}\{album}-track
    But it always adds the artists name and all I want is the title of the track so it only show the tile of the track when I play it in my car.
    In RM6 I have it set as %T in the file name output, but I don't seem to able to do this with RM8?
    I have also noticed that all tracks are tagged as #0
    Many thanks
    Last edited by Scubasa1; 12-19-2017 at 05:24 AM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Are the songs with a 0 tagged correctly other than that? Do the programs look setup correctly on our program and not in the Windows file folder?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Yes all the songs are tagged correctly apart from the track numbers?
    They look set up correctly and not in the windows file, although when the track records it says the artists name, I can send some screen shots if that helps?
    Thanks again

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Folders, naming and tagging

    Do me a favor and submit a support ticket with details and a picture. Thanks.

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