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Thread: Some streams are still working: Talk, NPR, and Top 40.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
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    Default Some streams are still working: Talk, NPR, and Top 40.

    Hello RAV8 users,

    I still prefer RAV8 over RR9, and can continue using it as long as I find stations that carry the show and still have functioning STREAM downloads. I thought we could use this forum to request and share stations that still have working streams after you've lost the one that carried a particular show.

    For Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, or Colmes you can still stream at WFLN.

    For Car Talk, Wait,Wait,Don't Tell Me, or other NPR shows, you can stream at WFAE.

    American Top 40 with Ryan Seacrest (Sunday at 9am Eastern time) will still stream at WXSS.

    In RAV8, under "Shows" select "Add Radio Station" and you can find them using the call letter above. Just be sure to set the correct time you want under "Schedule".

    So if you have been recording audio output for a reasonably-popular show, post it here and someone might know of a working stream out there!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Default Re: Some streams are still working: Talk, NPR, and Top 40.

    Thanks. Also, many people might want to work with Replay radio as it does an excellent job with audio recordings. We also update the Media Guide daily as we try and stay as current as possible. We do rely on our loyal
    customers to let us know when a link changes-just let us know through our support system and we get right on it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Some streams are still working: Talk, NPR, and Top 40.

    I've found three stations that still stream AT40:

    WAFL-FM Saturdays from 4pm-8pm Eastern.
    WXSS-FM Sundays from 9am-1pm Eastern.
    WAFL-FM (same as first) Sundays from 6pm-10pm Eastern.
    Last edited by thetalk; 09-08-2014 at 11:35 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
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    Default Re: Some streams are still working: Talk, NPR, and Top 40.

    Thank you for sharing this information with others. It makes it easier for them to find shows. Streams constantly change and schedules for different shows as well.

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