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Thread: Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    Default Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

    Hello i have a problem i hope you can help me with! It is very strange and i cant seem to find a sulution...

    So i just bought Replay Music 6 and when i record a song with it from spotify it auto taggs them correctly in the proram but when i go to the folder where i saved the ripped files it just says
    "Not recognized-track1.mp3" but in replay it is tagged correctly..

    So why wont the finished songs be tagged correctly in my folder? very strange... I hope you can help me, i read some of the tutorials and so here on the site and i belive my settings are correct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

    It sounds like the music is using a different ID tag then your system takes. A way to test this is to see if iTunes has the music tagged correctly. If it does then that is the case. Thanks.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

    how can i check this?

    Should i check the box add to itunes thingy in before starting to record my streams and then open up itunes and play them from there?
    Last edited by kortex; 12-16-2013 at 01:43 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

    You can do that or just add the single song to iTunes to see if the correct tagging is there. What OS are you using by the way? Creating a support ticket to further dig in to this might help too.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Replay music 6 wont tagg my recorded songs correctly.

    I'm using windows 7, should i press the check-box to add them to my i-tunes playlist and then what? Open i-tunes and check? All i want is the files to get the right name in my folders when i have riped them so i know what is what..

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