Will Video Capture let me record at least 10h in one go (to MPEG-2)? Has anyone tried this? The demo only allows 2 minutes of recording, so the demo can't be used for assessing the maximum recording time, if there is one.
Will Video Capture let me record at least 10h in one go (to MPEG-2)? Has anyone tried this? The demo only allows 2 minutes of recording, so the demo can't be used for assessing the maximum recording time, if there is one.
The program is capable of this but the issue would be if your computer is. The file size would be huge. Personally I would reboot and record about every three hours.
Thanks for the reply.
What would be the main limiting factor on my computer, the amount of RAM? Does it keep the recording in RAM while it is capturing? I have 8GB of RAM but not sure if Video Capture can access it all. I am less concerned about file size on the hard drive.
Is there a way of upgrading from VideoClone to Replay Video Capture?
Also if Video Capture doesn't work on my system for some reason (for recording 8 - 10 hours straight), is there any way to get a refund?
It would be so helpful if you guys provided a demo that didn't have a recording time limit, but expired after 10 days or something. That way we could test the supposed "unlimited" recording time feature on our systems, without losing $30 or $40 dollars on something that doesn't meet our needs. If I could see that it works on my system, I would spend more money on Applian products.
But if all I get out of my efforts to post questions in this forum and create a customer support ticket, is a recommendation to "reboot every 3 hours", I'm definitely taking my money elsewhere. Unless I get more info (or a less limited demo) from Applian, what I'm reading between the lines is, "the way our software is built, it won't record for more than 3 hours on most systems".
I do record for more than 3 hours without an issue but I would recommend that to just refresh your screen and free up memory. The program is power intensive and the majority of computers won't be able to handle such a large recording of ten hours without a reboot. I can't tell you if your system will work or not as each system has different programs installed, different memory, different updates, etc. We do have a 30 day money back guarantee also, so if the demo is not meeting your needs you would be able to try it using that method.
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for the reply! I will try it out and post the results here.
I've purchased WM Capture / Replay Video Capture and I am able record for 10 hours straight, producing files around 10GB in size.
Thanks for the info Cheryl, it helped a lot.
Great. Glad it is working for you. Thanks for letting us know.