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Thread: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

  1. #11
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube? READ THIS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Lenney View Post
    If you're not able to record a specific video, support would need to be contacted so they can assist you with the specific site. They would also possibly need to review your log file, which we cannot do here on the public forums as it contains your private info and registration code etc.
    If it was a specific video I could understand. In my case though it's that after installing the rmc5 demo Youtube videos still don't record. As far as revealing private info from a log file I can see that point in certain cases but what I notice more is that when I've read this "see technical support" response on other forum entries it's usually the end of the discussion. If the tech support looked into it and found a solution than it should be put back on that topic so everyone wouldn't have to specifically ask the same questions over and over again.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube? READ THIS!

    Each computer is different so a solution for one is often not a solution for another. Often it is an error on the operator's fault. We do post items when they pertain to everyone but this forum is for you and not for us. When you need immediate technical support it is normally faster to submit a ticket. Thanks.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube? READ THIS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheryl Wester View Post
    Each computer is different so a solution for one is often not a solution for another. Often it is an error on the operator's fault. We do post items when they pertain to everyone but this forum is for you and not for us. When you need immediate technical support it is normally faster to submit a ticket. Thanks.
    I use Firefox as my regular browser. Youtube and RMC5 don't work on Firefox for me using XP. Neither does Chrome. I tried both of these some days ago. I forgot about trying Internet Explorer and just now found out it works. So people that use Firefox and Chrome on XP may want to try this if they are having trouble with RMC5 and Youtube.
    After I found this out I looked at recent posts on this forum mentioning Youtube and again was struck at how many times the answer from Applian was only to refer them to technical support.
    Even though I take issue with staff's responses on this forum (and also the need to repurchase RMC in order to capture websites that RMC 3 and 4 promised they could capture when they came out) I still am glad I bought those earlier RMC versions. Even though many websites were excluded there were some that worked and provided good entertainment later.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube? READ THIS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Lenney View Post
    If you're not able to record a specific video, support would need to be contacted so they can assist you with the specific site. They would also possibly need to review your log file, which we cannot do here on the public forums as it contains your private info and registration code etc.
    I did as you suggested and contacted tech support. Got an answer the same day suggesting that I download the most current version of RMC5 and in settings, http adv, youtube, make sure it is set to raw.

    When you raise a tech support request you have to state what version of RMC you have. So why ask the same question twice? My submission shows that I have the latest version. As for setting it to 'raw'. This too was already set. I emailed back straight away and twice since, but received no reply, that was a week ago. Have tech support gone on a much needed holiday?

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    Could some of the forum helpers be a bit more helpful here, please.

    I see too many referrals back to tech support... and then... I never benefit from what they found out as a fix to the issue!

    I have some of these same issues... with being unable to record YouTubes... but im getting solutions back here that dont work... or that tell me to call tech support. Theres only so many operating systems and browsers out there...tell us your solutions as they become available for each combination as you resolve it back here on a thread.

    There may be hundreds of people here reading the forum for self help at their own expense and spending their own valuable they dont have to bother tech support or have to wait days for an answer. When you answer something here it is available 24/7 for everyone to see for months and months. You will cut down on your tech support busy work...and be helpful to customers at the same time.

    So, please...Write stuff down...even browser specific or OS specific we can all be benefited from it!
    Last edited by suzzie12; 08-23-2014 at 10:11 AM.

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    The forum is meant to have people help each other as much as possible. There are many different versions of our programs out and technology changes on a daily basis so we are often working to correct an issue. YouTube is a prime example of that as it does change how it streams frequently. Our latest version does work with YouTube. When people need to get into details regarding the operating system, what RAM, what browser, etc. it is
    generally easier to go directly to tech support as often detailed testing needs to be done. As an example, I don't work directly with support for Media Catcher, and do not want to give out the wrong info. Writing to tech
    support is normally the fastest and easier way to get support on an issue you are having. I agree that when people do get a response on how to fix an issue they have that it would be great if they shared. Thanks.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    Similar to the 2/16/14 post above, I have been unable to use RMC5 with FireFox under XP to d/l UTube videos. I too fell back to using IE since it does work with RMC5. Now I see that RMC6 is out. I'd like to upgrade but ONLY if RMC6 works with FF under XP. Can you tell me whether the incompatibily problem btwn RMC and FF has been addressed in RMC6?

  8. #18
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    I run Win 8.1 with 16 Gig Ram on a 64 bit OS. I just updated to RMC6 with a problem. When using DVR to record a Netflix movie, it appears to record fine but about 5 minutes into the video, the picture freezes but the audio continues to record. This is proved at playback as the video and audio plays fine to about 5 minutes then the picture freezes but the audio continues to play. I copied the file and loaded on a different puter and it does the same. Could I get some insight into what my problem is? Thanks!

  9. #19
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    please contact tech support with details regarding this issue. This is a new version of Media Catcher and we want to make sure we see all that is going on. Thanks.

  10. #20
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    Default Re: Trouble Capturing YouTube with Replay Media Catcher? READ THIS!

    Thanks Cheryl! Have submitted a ticket regarding same. Hopefully will have a resolution to report back soon. Wondering if others are having this same problem with the new version 6 ( as me ? ? ?

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