My problem was happen since my laptop need to format.
After I download Freecorder to use the video history. After of installing the application and try to use it, it's not working, it needs to download winpcap. I do it to download winpcap but after installing, it not detect of freecorder because im using a broadband stick connection here in Philippines. Pls. help me administrator how can i used again a freecorder that have video history.
My O.S. is windows 7 ultimate, and im using windows internet, firefox, google chrome.
Before formatting my laptop, I'm enjoying using this application, Freecorder, but i don't remember what version.
Pls somebody help me..
Note: my problem was:
winpcap cannot detect my adapter because of broadband stick using simcard of cellphone, before recording the video, it needed to install winpcap.
Im not using DSL connection.