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Thread: BBC iPlayer: Cannot convert .flv files

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
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    Default BBC iPlayer: Cannot convert .flv files

    I am experiencing similar errors to those in other threads. I use MeidaCatcher to record programmes, in my case from BBC iPlayer and this records them as .flv files.
    The .flv files play perfectly in the Applian FLV player, but I'd like to convert these so that we can watch the programme on a DVD player, rather than the TV screen. but no matter what I do, I cannot convert these files to any other format. Actually what happens is this: Replay Converter happily thinks it's converting, but about thirty seconds after it's tried to convert a, say, 300Mg file, I am left with an approx 500K avi, or a 1.5Mb MPeg2 file, which plays, but it is just a video saying something like:

    DirectShowSource: Could not open as video or audio"
    Video returned: "DirectShowsource couldn't open file [filename].flv:
    An operation failed due to certification failure"
    Audio returned: "DirectShowsource couldn't open file [filename].flv:
    An operation failed due to certification failure"
    (C:\Users\XXXX\ApddDataLocal\27XBD1234332.avs, line 1).

    I understand that you cannot access BBC iPlayer, but wonder if there is anything I may be able to try to get this working?

    I have just upgraded to RC3.20 (11/03/2008)

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Can't convert BBC iplayer FLVs either!

    I was just about to post on this today when I saw this thread.

    It doesn't work for me either.

    Replay FLV Player says the following about the FLV files:

    audio codec id: mp4a
    audio codec name: AAC
    audio delay: unknown
    audio datarate: unknown
    video codec id: qvc1
    video coded name: H.264
    video delay: unknown
    video datarate: unknown

    I can send a sample if necessary.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Can't convert BBC iplayer FLVs either! - working now!

    I fixed this by downloading the "Additional Codecs" package from:


  4. #4
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    Default Default Re: Can't convert BBC iplayer FLVs either! - ACTUALLY STILL NOT WORKING!

    More research:

    BBC Iplayer has two "quality levels" - High Quality and Normal Quality.

    "High Quality" is H.264 codec for the video with the parameters I gave above - Replay Converter doesn't work for this.

    "Normal Quality" uses vp6 codec for the video and Replay Converter handles this.

    So - still not working I'm afraid!

  5. #5
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    Well done WRIGHRP. I'd been forcing the iPlayer into HD mode, and then couldn't convert the consequent flv's. It is currently (apparently happily) converting an SD flv. I'm very grateful. At least we can now watch Survivors from the beginning on TV, instead of having to watch episode 1 on the laptop with all the stopping and starting. Well done, and thanks again.

    Over to Applian now, could we have some help (or could I offer you some help testing) with convering this H.264 video, please? Is there a beta programme. I'm not desperate, I can now get it to do what I need well enough, thanks to WRIGHRP.

    I'll report back if there are any issues with this conversion, but I'm hopeful it will work as it didn't fail after 30 seconds.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Cannot convert .flv files


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Cannot convert .flv files

    We have a brand new converter that we just uploaded today. It has many new options so you might want to give it a try.

    Sometimes you do need to install extra codecs depending on what your system has-that is why we do have that. Also, a lot is going to depend on what version of the converter you are using. The newer versions do convert FLV file formats easily.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Cannot convert .flv files

    There, We already have heard from them. thanks Applian.

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