View Full Version : I bother Viddler too much I think. They blocked me

08-18-2010, 04:48 AM

I was adding about 10 videos using viddler

I noticed that MC started downloading them all at once and was thinking that they probably would cut me off at some point which they did after a few minutes.

How can I influence the downloads? For example I think its best in this case to only allow 1 or 2 concurrent downloads.
I see that I can tweak the number of segments which is set at 5. Does this setting influence each download indivudaly it allows up to 5 segments per download?

This setting does not seem enough since it did not prevent to limit the number of concurrent downloads.

How can I prevent from being cut off. At the moment it seems I have to add each video after the current completes which is cumbersome and time consuming.

Thanks, Tom

08-18-2010, 06:49 AM
You can't queue downloads in RMC. But you can request this feature:
Queueing downloads in RMC

The best way to avoid being blocked is to add viddler to secure sites in HTTP tweaks, so that RMC captures packets from your local flash player rather than downloads streams.

08-18-2010, 06:57 AM
I added my vote to that post for a feature that will prevent video sites from blocking users