Whisky Willem
02-15-2010, 12:32 AM
I'm using the FLV player for quite some time now, nice program. But now I switched to FireFox as my main Internet Browser, and got a problem:
Everytime I want to open a flv file Firefox is asking, with which program it should be opened. It is not possible to check the checkbox so that it opens the Applian Flv player automatically.
What can I do? Someone who knows more about computers than I do, said you need a plugin to fix the problem, if so, where can I download it?
Thank you already for any kind of help in this request!
Whisky Willem
I'm using the FLV player for quite some time now, nice program. But now I switched to FireFox as my main Internet Browser, and got a problem:
Everytime I want to open a flv file Firefox is asking, with which program it should be opened. It is not possible to check the checkbox so that it opens the Applian Flv player automatically.
What can I do? Someone who knows more about computers than I do, said you need a plugin to fix the problem, if so, where can I download it?
Thank you already for any kind of help in this request!
Whisky Willem