View Full Version : RTMP video

01-28-2010, 03:27 PM
I saw that you can see the app and media path for an rtmp video. I thought it'd be interesting to copy it and see if it would play in a flash player, but no go. Any ideas on how to format the following to make it play? The video is part 1 of 3 or 4.

Downloading RTMP stream:
RTMP App: rtmp://brightcove-37.fcod.llnwd.net:1935/a500/d9?videoId=63407906001&lineUpId=63210930001&pubId=1119255093&playerId=53099128001&playerTag=&affiliateId=
Media Path: media/1119255093/1119255093_63479914001_AandE-Paranormal-State-64-Night-Terrors-LF1