View Full Version : Unable to download files from dada.net with Replay Media Catcher

01-09-2010, 04:32 PM
tried capturing on demand audio streams from dada.net but it doesn't work
this is the error message

Internal error while trying to download RTMP stream
m_nErrType = 11
m_strDesc = "code: NetConnection.Connect.Rejected
description: [ AccessManager.Reject ] : Must use RTMPE or RTMPTE on this connection"
m_strFile = F:\proj32\TestRTMPClient\RTMPStreamRip.cpp
m_nLineNumber = 969

(to test it, you need to create a free account to access the music library)

Tasha Heinlein
01-11-2010, 03:34 PM
This error means that the site is using RTMPE (http://www.applian.com/replay-media-catcher/support/secure-rtmp-measures.php). Try using Replay Music (http://www.applian.com/replay-music/) on this site.