08-01-2008, 12:24 PM
I'd appreciate any ideas on the following;
I am able to succesfully capture video from Singing Fool website but cannot capture other videos from the same site. I have verified the video in quesiton is Flash so I am not sure of the root cause between success and failure. Here us the resulting error message I recieve on any of the failed attmepts to capture a video: (a 0 byte file is displayed in the capture window)
Sorry, could only download a partial RTMP stream
Media was saved anyway:
C:\Singing_Fool\301939184_1475243930_18bc540c1e200 8bc1262263f4e220a3fe6371cd0_717229C1.flv
In additon to the URL above, you can access this video from;
I've checked the user guide and FAQ with no luck.
Anyone else run into this?
Thanks for any advice.
I'd appreciate any ideas on the following;
I am able to succesfully capture video from Singing Fool website but cannot capture other videos from the same site. I have verified the video in quesiton is Flash so I am not sure of the root cause between success and failure. Here us the resulting error message I recieve on any of the failed attmepts to capture a video: (a 0 byte file is displayed in the capture window)
Sorry, could only download a partial RTMP stream
Media was saved anyway:
C:\Singing_Fool\301939184_1475243930_18bc540c1e200 8bc1262263f4e220a3fe6371cd0_717229C1.flv
In additon to the URL above, you can access this video from;
I've checked the user guide and FAQ with no luck.
Anyone else run into this?
Thanks for any advice.