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View Full Version : Recording PBS's Car Talk

08-01-2008, 09:44 AM
I have a very peculiar problem when I record the weekly Car Talk show from their website (http://www.cartalk.com/Radio/Show/online.html). I am using version 3.35. I have configured Realplayer to play this.

As you can see from the web page, car Talk allows you to listen to individual sections of the show or, the whole show (Segments 1 - 10). When I record this, as each segment starts playing, it erases the previous segment! All I end up with is Segment 10. I've tried MP3 and wav and it doesn't make any difference. I certainly don't want to go through the trouble of manually recording each of the 10 Segments.

However, I still have version 2.41 on my computer and when I use that, it works fine. I really would like this to work on version 3 so I can get rid of the older version. Can anyone suggest a fix to get this to work in version 3.35?


Mike Christensen
08-01-2008, 05:19 PM
I have a very peculiar problem when I record the weekly Car Talk show from their website (http://www.cartalk.com/Radio/Show/online.html). I am using version 3.35. I have configured Realplayer to play this.

As you can see from the web page, car Talk allows you to listen to individual sections of the show or, the whole show (Segments 1 - 10). When I record this, as each segment starts playing, it erases the previous segment! All I end up with is Segment 10. I've tried MP3 and wav and it doesn't make any difference. I certainly don't want to go through the trouble of manually recording each of the 10 Segments.

However, I still have version 2.41 on my computer and when I use that, it works fine. I really would like this to work on version 3 so I can get rid of the older version. Can anyone suggest a fix to get this to work in version 3.35?



Thanks for the link. We have done some tests with the link with version 3.35 and we were able to record all the seperate segments. When you record, are the segments being split correctly? If not, you will need to adjust the splitting settings. Also, what track name comes up after the track is recorded? Is the track name the same for each segment recorded? If so, try turning off the Automatic Tagging option in Replay Music's settings when recording the segments.

Best Regards,

08-02-2008, 03:36 PM
Okay, I set Splitting to the defaults and made sure that Automatic Tagging was unchecked.

Now, when I start the Segments 1 - 10 link, it records track 1 but prompts for the next track while Segment 2 starts playing in Realplayer. I don't believe I should need to babysit this, I should be able to just start it and walk away. Also, I dont have a problem if there is only one track in Replay Music for the entire 10 segments.

Thanks for the help!


08-02-2008, 03:39 PM
Sorry, I have a small correction to my above post. The segment that it actually recorded wasn't Segment 1 but Segment 10.

So, again, it seems to lose the other 9 segments.


Mike Christensen
08-03-2008, 01:30 AM
Sorry, I have a small correction to my above post. The segment that it actually recorded wasn't Segment 1 but Segment 10.

So, again, it seems to lose the other 9 segments.


Okay, thanks for the additional information. This is very bizarre behavior and at this time I am unable to duplicate the issue, so please create a support ticket in the support section of this website so someone can take a closer look at this issue.

Best regards,