View Full Version : Track Info is coming up that I don't want

B3 Burner
02-04-2009, 09:20 PM
This just started happening recently: I record songs off of youtube, w/ Freecorder and it allows me to name them the way I want and puts them in the file of my choice. From there I can drag them to the Windows Media Player library and collect them in genre files.

Now it mysteriously finds album art, assigns the song a track number (I never asked it to), and takes away the name I gave the song. This may be considered a special feature, but I don't really like it.

I typically like to name my songs [Title-- Artist (Year)]. When it gets transfered to WMP it now takes on the form of [Track # Title], w/ album info off to the right, but it isn't necessarily correct. Let's say I know a song is from 1969, but the album it detected it from is a movie soundtrack from 1998. I don't want the program selecting info. for me. I want to be able to input what I know about the song myself.

How do I stop it from inserting data I didn't ask for?

Thanks, B3B