View Full Version : RMC 6: Stream Monitoring improvement suggestions

09-27-2016, 12:38 PM

I have a question about the Stream Monitoring feature of Replay Media Catcher 6 (the latest Version).
First of all, it works great - thank you very much for it. I use it to record streams from Twitch when I can't watch them (studying, gaming, etc.).
However, the streams are in "mpg" format which means that they are very big files on my HDD. I noticed that there's a conversion feature which I recently tried.
Unfortunately, I'm not very satisfied with it, because:
1) The big original files are kept even after the successful converting
2) The converting process uses 100% of my CPU, which makes it impossible to game while recording/converting

Maybe I didn't find the specific options, but would it otherwise be possible to add an option to delete the original file after converting? Furthermore, an option to limit the CPU usage while converting would be absolutely great.

What do you think about this? Can we expect it in a future update?

Cheryl Wester
09-27-2016, 02:36 PM
The developer does not want to have a feature to delete as some people might delete them in error. I will still pass on your request, however.

09-28-2016, 04:47 AM
Ok, I can understand that. Maybe this option can be "hidden" under a checkbox for advanced users?