View Full Version : benefit of Replay Radio 9 over Replay AV 8? And "subscription" based now?
12-29-2013, 07:28 AM
I've been using Replay AV 8 (or it's predecessors) for MANY years.
Today when I started it, I got a notice about an update called Replay Radio 9.
Not sure that it has all the same functionality, but there is a Replay Capture Suite I guess that is closer in function to Replay AV 8.
Replay Radio 9 looks to be a part of that.
OK so far, but checking further shows that only the Replay Radio 9 piece looks to be "subscription based" now?
So, uhm ..., what's going on?
Cheryl Wester
12-29-2013, 09:40 PM
This program is the replacement program for AV as it became obsolete with all the changes in technology and in streams. We are using the subscription base to insure that you always have the latest and greatest version of the program. This allows us to update it more frequently for you as streams change. Give it a try and see how you like it.
01-01-2014, 09:06 PM
ok. so "subscription-based" in this case does not mean that 1 year after purchase, the software will stop working or uninstall itself or other such craziness, correct?
01-02-2014, 03:56 PM
I'd used AV8 to record radio programs for many years.
It did not become obsolete as Applian says. No software need become obsolete.
Applian simply stopped supporting it with updates to the software so they could sell a subscription version "Replay Radio 9" to soak previous customers of their product.
I'm going with another product which is a little more difficult to use but has continuously been supported for many years, Total Recorder.
Sorry to see Applian take the low road.
Cheryl Wester
01-02-2014, 04:30 PM
AV did become obsolete. There have been many changes in technology since it came out and it will no longer capture videos as an example. Also, capturing an audio stream has changed due to technology and newer versions of windows and flash. It became cost prohibitive to continue with AV so we stopped selling the program two years ago. With Replay Radio you will always have the latest and greatest and with the subscription method we are able to offer frequent updates to take into consideration all the changes in technology that are occurring. We feel that our pricing is reasonable and that it allows you to continue to record your favorite talk shows, music, news, podcasts, etc. If you need further assistance with this then you would need to contact customer service for more details and information.
01-03-2014, 04:06 AM
The delayed upgrade to Replay AV with the poor excuses plus making Replay Radio subscription based made it the final straw. So I looked for alternatives. As my main interest is in recording BBC programs, I found some free software (get_iplayer) that achieves perfect downloading of BBC radio and TV but I believe is only available for people based in the UK.
01-03-2014, 04:06 PM
FWIW it was a long wait, and there are some changes I'd like to see in RR9. However I'm glad the new program is finally out and it looks very promising, and therefore don't have a problem with the subscription cost.
Cheryl Wester
01-03-2014, 08:27 PM
Thank you. Do let us know your suggestions. We are sending them to the developer for future updates so you never know.
01-06-2014, 02:14 PM
I'm not so thrilled with the pricing model myself however as another long, long time user, I have to say that due to the changes that Cheryl alludes to RAV8 no longer recorded certain shows that I used to be able to record (eg, I could not do a quick record of c-span's archived stuff) but RAV9 does so I'm happy. Also, for whatever reason, I used to have to run RAV8 under an admin account and I don't have to do that with RAV9 (I use Win 7).
01-12-2014, 05:39 AM
01-14-2014, 12:05 PM
Not buying it in more ways than one! I agree it's harder to adapt existing software than to simply take what you want from the old and write new from there. That is called product support. Total Recorder has been able to update their software to allow for technological changes so it just makes no sense that Applian could not have done the same. Maybe you should try hiring better coders but I really don't think that's where the problem lies. You just want to increase your profits. I have no problem with that as long as it's not at my expense.
Tom Mayes
01-14-2014, 10:53 PM
I'd like to comment on the evolution of Replay Radio over the years, especially for this last iteration, to summarize why we decided to create a subscription model. Replay Radio was initiated in 2001 for the purpose of creating a scheduled audio recording tool. The program evolved over the years as technology changed, and was always enhanced by user input. With the advent of YouTube and other streaming video aggregators, a basic but very functioning stream capture capability was added - creating a next generation product called Replay AV. At the same time, we were developing video recorder programs that were much more advanced given the quickly ever changing streaming world. Replay AV was still designed as an audio scheduler program but with many advanced capabilities. But then sound card inhibitors were added to newer computers making the capability of our once advanced sound recording technology almost obsolete for certain machines. The original developer was involved in other projects and couldn't do the necessary work to update Replay AV properly. The developer who we talked into taking on the project was also involved with many other efforts. Thus are best intentions suffered, with the user waiting for a next generation program. For this we truly apologize. We didn't think it would take as long to get Replay Radio 9 completed. One of the challenges was the audio recording technology. This took a long time to develop. But, it is the most advanced audio recording technology available. Unlike all other audio recorders, it does NOT record through ones sound card. Therefore, it is not sound card or computer system dependent. The audio recording will work on ANY PC, and provide a digitized copy of the original. Replay Radio 9 will also direct download the file data of most streams. So, it can also create a perfect file replication of the native stream if this recording method is used. Offering 2 types of audio recording technologies ensures that any stream can be recorded.
So, why set this up as a subscription based model? There are 2 reasons: First, the audio recording technology is licensed on an ongoing base. Secondly, we have a dynamic Media Guide of Stations and Shows to make it easy for the user to prepopulate their recording selections. This Guide is very resource intensive. Thus, we felt that the subscription model aligned to how we expended for the program on an ongoing basis. Bottom line is that there are costs involved to maintain the elite features of the program.
As the business guy at Applian, I look at all costs. The development of Replay Radio was very expensive and will probably never even break even. But, we felt a commitment to our loyal owners throughout the years to follow through on our promise to redeliver Replay Radio. We think we have done a very good job at keeping the program simple to use, and designed for its intent; to record streaming radio stations and shows on a scheduled basis. We are getting regular feedback to add features and enhancements which is something we have always done over the years. We have always listened to our customers and implemented suggestions whenever possible. So, please keep the product suggestions coming.
Not everyone is going to be happy. We understand that. But, to someones complaint, we are not a company that is looking to just "increase profits". We have been in business for 15 years because we put out the best products at a fair price and always look to make them better. As a small company, we want to remain in business so we can keep delivering great products and keep providing excellent support.
I'm a daily user of Replay Radio, and I have also done the technical support since the beginning. I know the history and the ups and downs. Thanks for your support over the years. We will always try to do our best.
Thanks for listening.
Tom Mayes
01-29-2014, 10:20 PM
ok, one last question regarding RR9. Does it support capture from TV capture cards?
Or does Applian make any products that capture video and sound from TV cards?
I know, I know, more than one question, but you get the idea ...
Cheryl Wester
01-29-2014, 11:24 PM
This is an audio only program. We do have Replay Video Capture that is our screen capture program. It captures what it sees on your computer. Give it a try and
see if it is going to meet your needs.
03-26-2014, 01:01 PM
OK, now I see why my Replay AV 8 isn't recording programs and isn't even loading any more. After March 14 it just stopped working and was somehow blocked on my PC. I don't do subscriptions. IMO it's not fair. While I would have agreed to upgrade pricing if and when the software is significantly improved, I won't be paying you $$ every month or year with no guarantee than anything has changed. So as others have opined, Bye Applian. It's been a nice decade or two.
Cheryl Wester
03-26-2014, 04:03 PM
There have been a lot of streams that have changed. We did not change Replay AV but streams do change. If you would like some assistance with your issue we are still supporting Replay AV so do submit a tech support ticket with details of the issue you are having. We stopped updating Replay AV over two years ago due to changes in technology. Thanks.
09-21-2014, 12:07 PM
I'd like to comment on the evolution of Replay Radio over the years, especially for this last iteration, to summarize why we decided to create a subscription model. (EXCESS SNIPPED)
So, why set this up as a subscription based model? There are 2 reasons: First, the audio recording technology is licensed on an ongoing base. Secondly, we have a dynamic Media Guide of Stations and Shows to make it easy for the user to prepopulate their recording selections. This Guide is very resource intensive. Thus, we felt that the subscription model aligned to how we expended for the program on an ongoing basis. Bottom line is that there are costs involved to maintain the elite features of the program.
Thanks for listening.
Tom Mayes
Tom, as an operations guy myself (therefore kinda curious about internal stuff you can't/shouldn't share), I get what you've put forward here, esp. re licensing fee recurrences. It *is* all reasonable, but from the customer perspective, doing the basic math of about on $10 upgrade a year and now being asked to pay roughly $35 (2.5x) a year forever is genuinely sticker shock.
I've used RR since RR3/RR4 and ONE THING I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY CUSTOMER MENTION IS THAT THE PRICE FOR RR/RAV HAS NEVER GONE UP IN 10 YEARS!!!! (As far as I can recall) From that perspective, it's certainly reasonable to assume it's time.
I *would* appreciate the OPTION to pay one $19.95/year or two $9.95/6mo fees, BTW, assuming this isn't a remask of the (!@#$%&*) Jaksta product and is genuinely RR/RAV code with improvements. I get that it's less stable than monthly, but feels less "nickle and dimey" at the same time. On a side note, it will be nice to see the Media Guide updated again; it was useful for many years before it wasn't for many more.
I'll go download the RR9 demo into a VM and see what I can see. FYI, I sincerely hope it allows Soundcloud podcast subscriptions without issue. I can't see another product (except iTunes, which I won't use) that does that well...or at all. The nice Level I/IIsupport folks at Soundcloud are a bit clueless about how some RSS is constructed, so I miss out on some streams/casts.
Kevin D
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