View Full Version : Hulu on IMDb web site

12-05-2008, 04:29 PM
I would like to capture McHales navy on the following web site:http://www.imdb.com/video/hulu/vi1245315097/ I've tried everything from Applian software to AVS software. What works?

12-05-2008, 05:11 PM
I've downloaded a couple of seasons worth of McHale's Navy from Hulu with Replay Media Catcher. (http://applian.com/replay-media-catcher/)

Jeff Lenney
12-05-2008, 06:01 PM
As TiredofSpam said, Replay Media Catcher (http://applian.com/replay-media-catcher/) works fine with this, I tried it myself and it's recording right as i'm typing this. :)

On another note, I use Replay Media Catcher on hulu ALL THE TIME and have not yet had a major problem with it..

Hope this helps. :)