Let's say we wish to convert a file with Replay Media Catcher. We take the video "Video.wmv" and drop it on RMC with your favorite conversion settings, let's say "AVI Same Quality".

RMC will work for a bit. While working it will be presented in the list as "Video.wmv", when it's finished it have produced "Video.avi" and update the list to show "Video.avi".

Now let's say that you aren't satisfied with the result. Perhaps you did something wrong, perhaps you wanted to convert the file to "MPEG4 Same Quality" instead. Perhaps you converted many files and found afterwards that the new codec made files larger and you want to erase the converted larger files. Perhaps you simply want to clear the list like you did in earlier editions of RMC.

The most intuitive thing to do for me is to rightclick the file in Replay Media Catcher and click delete, or use the DEL button, with the assumption that this will delete "Video.avi" which is what RMC display the file as. However, this doesn't delete "Video.avi", it deletes the original file "Video.wmv" and keeps the converted one!

Now personally I lost a recorded interview (part of a research project) after trying to convert a AMR file. The conversion to MP3 failed so in your list you could see "Sound Clip 40.mp3" with a red icon next to it. I got used to rightclick and clear in earlier RMC and ended up deleting "Sound Clip 40.amr". Spent two hours trying to recover the file again with various software but it was permanently gone.

An idiotproof prompt would be nice with things like; "KEEP ORIGINAL" "KEEP CONVERTED" "CANCEL" where "CANCEL" rather than "YES" is the default option.

I also miss "Clear History" in the rightclick menu.