At this point Replay Media Splitter feels like a joke, it has so many bugs it's p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c.
I suggest the developers go back to work on this one.
AND please make a detailed HowTo video.
I suggest you use your own software for 30 minutes and you'll see it freeze on you time after time and will be able to report to your developer numerous precise issues. There are so many though that I won't even bother listing the tip of the iceberg. Basically the program barely works, at this point it's pretty much a needs a major fix. Applian charges for this thing, wow! some nerve doing so!
I apologize for the tone of this posting, I am just feeling very frustrated with all the malfunctions. When you've worked hard to place some markers exactly where you need them and once again the program freezes on you and you loose everything and you have to start from scratch'll see it's frustrating to say the least.
If the program is such that certain moves cause it to freeze, then please consider warning the customers in your HOW TO video, by saying things such as
"in order to do such and such thing, DO NOT click here, DO NOT move the cursor here like so, etc... since that would confuse the program. Instead do this and that, that will work".
Such video would be really helpful. Thanks for your consideration.