View Full Version : file tagging question

10-25-2010, 05:13 PM
In an update, can you allow an an optional method of tagging where it tags the file with the browser heading. On many sites, the browser heading contains the name of the media file. I wrote a script in autohotkey that takes the browser headings and pastes them as they appear to wordpad, so i know you guys can do it if you want, I think it would be very useful. Here's my code if it helps, I wrote it for the seamonkey browser, to use it with another browser, just replace the word SeaMonkey with "Internet Explorer" , etc. You need to have wordpad already open. I did a version where you didn't need it, but then saving the rich text file became difficult. Programs like GetFLV have this built in, its very useful, it guarantees that each file is perfectly tagged and doesn't rely on databases.

SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinGetTitle, clipboard, SeaMonkey
alphab = %clipboard%
WinActivate, WordPad
send, ^v
send, ^h
send, -
send, {space}
send, seamonkey
send, {TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}
send, {ENTER}
WinWait, WordPad
send, {Alt Down}{F4}{Alt Up}
WinWait, Replace
send, {Alt Down}{F4}{Alt Up}
send, {End}{PgDn}
send, {ENTER}
send, ^s
WinActivate, SeaMonkey
Loop, 10000
Sleep, 1000
WinGetTitle, Title2, SeaMonkey
if Title2 != %alphab%
goto, Dog

Jeff Lenney
10-25-2010, 09:20 PM
Hey there - our programmers DO read these forums, so your suggestion WILL be heard. Thanks for the feedback! :-)