View Full Version : Capturing videooff of websites?

09-12-2010, 09:33 AM
Trial software works great. Few questions. Does the host of the videos I'm capturing know that I'm recording their content? I haven't found any copy-right restrictions. They are academic lectures with EXCESSIVE costs and I merely want to view them when I'm done paying virtually hundreds of dollars a week. Any ideas?

Jeff Lenney
09-13-2010, 08:10 AM
Trial software works great. Few questions. Does the host of the videos I'm capturing know that I'm recording their content? I haven't found any copy-right restrictions. They are academic lectures with EXCESSIVE costs and I merely want to view them when I'm done paying virtually hundreds of dollars a week. Any ideas?

Hey Devon, thanks for your kind words and we're glad to hear you're enjoying our software as much as we are. :-)

With regards to your question, the Way RMC works fools most hosts into simply thinking you're just another happy customer WATCHING your video. So go ahead, record to your hearts content - just don't SHARE the media that you record with anybody else - that's where it falls out of the safe recording zone :)