View Full Version : clonedLiveStream instead of actual LiveStream

10-22-2009, 05:23 AM
First of all, thanks for your great product and at least for me, this is by far the BEST live streaming recording software!

I used to be able to record (3.01/3.02) from one of the most popular adult live streaming site (L***J*****.com) using Replay Media Catcher 100%, however since few days ago, instead of recording the actual live stream e.g. free_stream_332B6933 (even if it's in "members" or "Private", it's now recording clonedLiveStream_5E9E8C61:(, when the chat room is in "members" or "Private", how come?

Thanks for your help in advance and best regards.

Capture Flash RTMP streams
Downloading RTMP stream:
RTMP App: rtmp://
Media Path: streams/clonedLiveStream
Audio Received: 0 kb.
Video Received: 0 kb.

Tasha Heinlein
12-16-2009, 01:04 PM
It could be a security measure to block Media Catcher. Try using Replay Video Capture (http://www.applian.com/replay-video-capture/index.php).

12-16-2009, 11:18 PM
yes. it does seem like it is blocking Media Catcher.
