View Full Version : Exception when capturing RTMP STREAMS: recv() failed on timeout - Saved media to file anyway

09-29-2009, 03:48 AM
Yesterday i bought full version of RMC, I'm traying since yesterday to download a video on demand from the site www.agilityvision.com. i've payed for 3 days of that video on deman, and my authorization will expire tomorrow. I cntinuos having the folowing problem:

Sorry, could only download a partial RTMP stream
Media was saved anyway:
C:\Documents and Settings\Cristina\Documenti\My Recordings\fci09-friday.f4v_106C3C4B.flv
m_nErrType = 6
m_strDesc = "recv() failed on timeout - Saved media to file anyway"
m_strFile = F:\proj32\TestRTMPClient\RTMPStreamRip.cpp
m_nLineNumber = 845

I also need to know how can I resume a dowload if I loose my internet connection. Please help me

09-29-2009, 04:42 AM
This is probably caused by an erratic Internet connection. I don't think the developer will be able to solve it until tomorrow.

You can't resume downloading. You can right click and re-record.