View Full Version : Feature Request: Automatic updates should be an option

08-14-2009, 06:30 AM
Automatic updates should be an option. Currently I have my hosts file modified to add: www.applian.com

This way when I start the software it won't try to update the plugins. Sometimes the older versions work just fine. After updates I have encountered problems so I've reverted back to the original plugins and everything went back to normal. Anyway, adding the above to the hosts file works just fine but it screws up the tagging because the software can't locate applian which it needs to for some reason. So the process for me is, start the software, edit the hosts file to add a # in front of the above entry so that renaming works and then remove it again when I need to restart the program. How about asking "Would you like to update the plugins?" instead of just assuming it's for the best. Sometimes it isn't.

08-19-2009, 07:02 PM
i would agree to this one! :)


08-20-2009, 03:51 AM
Before changing the following file make sure to activate your program first

Another option of saving previous version is just adding Replay Media Catcher folder to an archive. Of course you won't escape upgrades with that, plus the registry keys may change, but at least you can save working plug-ins in case you need them.